The spotlight on the paranormal is not earmarked for Halloween anymore. Where once films featuring chainsaws and haunted houses were just released to the general public during October of every year, the emphasis on things that go bump-in-the-night is currently a money-making commodity. In the runaway success of Twilight, to the Paranormal Action sequels, we cannot seem to get enough of the other world.
- Residual Haunting: A Residual haunting is just what the title implies it is a residue of something that is been there before. Normal cases involve watching a ghost go through the same motions over and over again without deviation, like watching a video tape. You cannot interact with it. It will follow the same patter or path, and vanish. It is just like a memory of an action it generated when in mortal form. Famous instances are the monks walking castle grounds and evaporating in the exact same wall at precisely the exact same spot every time.
- Sentient Haunting: Sentient Means receptive to, or aware of. A sentient haunting is one in which the thing interacts with you. It does something to capture your attention much like poltergeist activity. It might affect articles and make them move or lure lights to flicker. While staying at the Myrtles Plantation my rings that put on the mantle in my area moved down the length of the mantel top. In the Stanley Hotel my team and had a burst of tobacco smoke blown into our faces, and we saw as coloured lights played across a doorway and it is manage when there were no lights of the colour anywhere to be seen. The chandelier at the Lavender Room in Lemp Mansion interacted with me for five full minutes as requested it to blink in response to my questions. This is also the area where heard the gunshots and the dog bark. My blankets were pulled from me in the Myrtles while remaining at the Confederate Soldier’s room. All these are examples of entities which are not simply a residual loop; they are smart and attempting to engage you in any way they could.
- EVPs: EVPs are Electronic Voice Phenomenon in Scariest haunted house in Ohio. These are voices and noises picked up on recording gear, but not perceptible to the human ear. Spirits utilize the electromagnetic field frequencies to tune in and imprint their voice on a tape. We have picked up a few of these recordings and it is eerie to understand something was right there with you, though you were not conscious of it.We have recorded a guy laughing at me, heard something pushing items off a mattress, and kids giggling and singing nursery rhythms.